All papers linked from this page are penultimate drafts, and they may contain inaccuracies.
Please cite the published versions, and if you're not sure where to find them, please feel free to email me.
Buddhist Philosophy
- Anger and Patience
- Control, Anxiety, and the Progressive Detachment from the self (with Genevieve Hayman)
- The Emptiness of Anger
- The Interdependence and Emptiness of Whiteness
- The Magic of Consciousness (with Eyal Aviv & Sonam Kachru)
- On Vasubandhu’s Viṃśatikākārikā
- Reflections on the Rope Taken for A Snake
Collective mentality and Radical collaboration
- Accountability and values in radically collaborative research. (With Eric Winsberg & Rebecca Kukla).
- Collective Values (with Marcus Hedhal).
- Collective Responsibility and Fraud in Scientific Communities (with Liam Kofi Bright)
- Computational Models of Group Behavior (with Joseph Jebari).
- Do you see what we see? An investigation of an argument against collective representation.
- Genuinely collective emotions.
- The group mind in commonsense psychology.
- Kinds of collective behavior and the possibility of group minds
- Making an Author in Radically Collaborative Research. (With Eric Winsberg & Rebecca Kukla).
- Minimal Minds
- Shared values, interests, and desires (with Marcus Hedahl)
- Sharing Values (with Marcus Hedahl)
- Transactive memory reconstructed.
Empirical Moral Psychology and Commonsense Psychology
- Commonsense concepts of phenomenal consciousness: Does anyone care about functional zombies?
- The construction of philosophical intuitions.
- Critiquing empirical moral psychology.
- Do emotions play a constitutive role in moral cognition?
- The interdependence and emptiness of whiteness
- From Objectivized Morality to Objective Morality (with Joseph Jebari)
- How the Source, Inevitability and Means of Bringing About Harm Interact in Folk-Moral Judgments. (with Marc Huaser & Philip Pettit).
- Intuitive moral judgments are robust across demographic variation in gender, education, politics, and religion: A large-scale web-based study (with Konika Banerjee & Marc Hauser).
- The linguistic analogy: motivations, results, and speculations. (with Sue Dwyer & Marc Hauser).
- Moral judgments about altruistic self-sacrifice. (with Marc Hauser)
- The moral-conventional distinction in mature moral competence. (with James Lee & Marc Hauser).
- Reflection, reflex, and folk intuitions.
- The role of emotion in moral psychology. (with Sue Dwyer, & Marc Hauser).
- What does the Nation of China think about phenomenal states? (with Hagop Sarkissian, & Mike Bruno).
- What is a philosophical effect?
Cognitive Architecture and Situated Agency
- Banishing “I” and “we” from accounts of metacognition (with Daniel Dennett)
- Cultural Evolution and Prosociality: Widening the Hypothesis Space (with Hagop Sarkissian)
- Drawing the Boundaries of Animal Sentience (with Walter Veit)
- Emotional processing in individual and social recalibration (with Trip Glazer)
- Implicit bias, reinforcement learning, and scaffolded moral cognition.
- Massively representational minds are not always driven by goals, conscious or otherwise (with Rob Rupert)
- Minding Theory of Mind (with Melanie Yergeau)
- Oppressive Things (with Shen-yi Liao)
- Picturing, signifying and attending
- Planning and Prefigurative Practice: The Nature of Freedom and the Possibility of control
- Socially embedded cognition.
- Socialized attention and situated agency (unpublished)
- Surprisal and valuation in the predictive brain.
- Tool Use as Situated Cognition (with Andy Blitzer).
- Temporal Updating, Behavioral Leaning, and the Phenomenology of Time-Consciousness (with Genevieve Hayman)
- Troubles with stereotypes for Spinozan minds.
- Unification at the Cost of Realism and Precision (with Rachel Brown, Carl Brusse, & Ross Pain)
Book Reviews
- Cristina Bicchieri, Norms in the Wild: How to Diagnose, Measure, and Change Social Norms.
- Robert Blank, Intervention in the Brain: Politics, Policy, and Ethics
- John Deigh, Emotions, values, and law.
- Christoph Durt, Thomas Fuchs & Christian Tewes (eds.), Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture: Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World.
- Jon Elster, Explaining social behavior: More nuts and bolts for the social sciences.
- Keith Frankish & Bill Ramsey (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of cognitive science. (with Eric Mandelbaum)
- Steven Horst, Cognitive Pluralism
- Christian List & Phillip Pettit, Group Agency: The possibility, design, and status of corporate agents.
- Rick Repetti, Buddhism, Meditation, and Free will: A theory of mental freedom
- Robert Rupert, Cognitive systems and the extended mind.
- Tad Zawidzki, Mindshaping: A new framework for understanding human social cognition.
Miscellaneous short pieces
- Interview with Shelley Tremain for Dialogues on Disability
- Critical précis of Peter Railton's "The Affective Dog and Its Rational Tale: Intuition and Attunement"
- The dangers of White spaces (written for Dismantling the masters house; never published)
- Reply to Del Pinal and Spaulding on Conceptual Centrality and Implicit Bias
Miscellaneous long pieces
- Why Dennettian Themes Won't Go Away
- Collective Intentionality and Socially Extended Minds (with Mattia Gallotti)